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Integrity Roof Systems

Here is a question when interviewing roofing contractors: “Are all materials you install made by the same shingle manufacturer?”

Their answer should be YES (although some manufacturers allow 1 item to be different). This is an important question to ask any roofing contractor who offers you a proposal. This is also a great litmus test to identify a professional grade roofing contractor from a non-professional.

Your System Roofing components are as follows:

1)     Starter – Installed on eaves & rakes and come with a line of adhesive bonding. This is your first line of defense to help prevent wind damage.

2)     Ice & Water shield

3)     Same shingles, not mixed. Some manufacturers make similar shingle models and the differences are subtle and can go unnoticed to an untrained eye.

4)     Synthetic underlayment

5)     Hip & Ridge – Shingles that look like the old 3-tab shingle but are designed to actually fold and be flexible without cracking after a few years (unlike 3-tabs which are designed to lay flat and not bend)

Your contractor should recommend and install all 5 components (minimum of 4 for some manufacturers). This ensures you get the complete manufacturer’s shingle and/or extended warranty. Large investments in your home do not deserve shortcuts.

At Reliance Roof Troop, we install all our roof components from the same shingle manufacturer to ensure you actually get a registered manufacturer warranty!

For more information, please contact us at (219) 777-0284 or email at


























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